Monday, April 29, 2013

Supplements for Memory Improvement

Goto Kola is one of the oldest herbs used for mental stimulation, improved brain activity, and memory. It has been used for centuries in some cultures in drinks, cooking, and as a medical treatment. Recent studies have supported that taken daily it improves energy, reduces anxiety, improved mental function and memory. The herb comes in many forms, such as capsules, liquid, and tea. The different forms offer different dosage levels, so it is important to determine how much of the supplement you are taking in each form.

Original Article : Supplements for Memory Improvement

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Improve your Brain with Games

The game leads you into a lot of scenarios where you think “I could really use a long range weapon right about now,” and there’s really no time to leisurely plot out your course of attack. You need to figure out right now, in a split second, that you have to jump over that enemy, punch that bullet out of the air, jump, punch the flying enemy, and then land and punch the guy you just jumped over. This is just an example of video games engaging your brain in a way that your daily life rarely demands. You’re given a series of tools and thrust into a scenario where you need to use them to solve problems at lightning speed.

Original Article: Brain improvement Games

Monday, April 8, 2013

What is Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is a state wherein the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. Such a realization dawns when a person observes something unusual in his dreams and tries to probe into reality. The awareness may or may not grant a person the power to control his or her dream. The absence of restrictions on actions in lucid dreams allows a person to do as he or she wishes and thus helps gain a deeper insight into reality.

Original Article click HERE